The Piano Roll is part of the Channel Rack with its Patterns.The Piano Roll is the place to make rhythms, but particularly melodies and musical arrangements.The Piano Roll can be accessed by selecting an instrument or sample on the Channel Rack and clicking the “Piano Roll” icon. So, let’s start with the 2nd FL Studio window you will be using: The Piano Roll. Just click the image below to claim your copy:įL Studio has 4 main functions. But it’s actually just a part of the more complete and detailed FL Studio Beginner’s Guide book I’ve written to shortcut your FL Studio learning curve tremendously.

The whole FL Studio beginner’s guide lesson gives a general visual overview. You can also just follow this 4-part series and make sure to check out the previous FL Studio Channel Rack lesson and the next FL Studio Playlist lesson. Of course, I do recommend you check out the whole FL Studio Guide for Beginners lesson, because it’s more complete and gives a better overview. This way you can quickly learn the FL Studio basics of each element individually without having to go through a big video or article. However, I also decided to split up this FL Studio beginner’s guide into smaller pieces. Now, there’s also a whole FL Studio Guide for Beginners lesson available on Screech House where everything will be presented in one big lesson. Only the very basics will be covered to immediately kickstart your music-making journey. This Piano Roll tutorial is part 2 of 4 in a series of the FL Studio Guide for Beginners. In this lesson you will learn how to use the Piano Roll in FL Studio.